Frequently Asked Questions

About GoStudent

What is GoStudent?
For whom is the offer suitable?
Who are the GoStudent tutors?
What services does GoStudent offer?
In which subjects do you offer support?

Private tutoring

How does 1:1 video tutoring work?
Do I need a microphone and webcam?
What are the advantages of online video tutoring?
How long does a video session last?
Which functions are available?
How can I send a photo or document to my tutor?


How much does a private tutoring unit cost?
What are the different membership models?
What payment methods are available?
When can I cancel my membership?
How can I book a free trial lesson?
How do the models differ?


How can I book a tutor?
How do I get into the online classroom after booking?
Where can I find my bookings?
How long are my unused sessions available?
How do I contact the tutor before I book a lesson?
How can I cancel or reschedule a booked lesson?
Where can I find my session balance?

Become a tutor

Can anyone become a tutor at GoStudent?
How can I become a 1:1 tutor?
How can I earn money at GoStudent?
How does the application process work?
How can I register as a tutor?
What are the benefits of online tutoring?
How much can I earn per month?
How am I employed as a tutor?

For tutors

How can a student book a lesson with me?
The student cancelled the session. Will I still get paid?
Do I have to report my earnings to the tax office or social security?
When will my earnings be paid out?
What should I do if I am asked for my private contact details?

Technical questions

I have registered as a tutor. How can I turn my tutor account into a student account?
The mobile app does not work.
I cannot hear the tutor.
I have not received a code and cannot log in.
The web app does not work.
The tutor cannot hear me.


How is my data backed up?
How does GoStudent ensure the safety of children online?
Are my payments processed securely?
How does GoStudent ensure the safety of students and tutors online?
How does GoStudent screen tutors who teach via the GoStudent platform?
What do I do if I want to report an incident of misconduct?
How do I know a misconduct report will be handled with due attention by GoStudent?


How can I contact GoStudent?
How can I delete my account?
How can I become part of the GoStudent team?